Post-Election Fibromychronicfatigue Syndrome

Fibromychronicfatigue Syndrom Exhibit A

Fibromychronicfatigue Syndrom Exhibit B


Highly Sensitive Dotty

I don’t know about you, but the stress of this election has wreaked havoc on my body. As an *HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) with dainty health, I’m having a hard time.

* Yes, I know what you’re thinking:

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)= neurotic

Fibromyalgia = hypochondriac

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = lazy

Here’s what I have to say to that:  don’t expect any sympathy from me when your ears are ringing, your toes are tingling, you’re covered in hives, and you’re too exhausted to get out of bed.

Are you highly sensitive?  Take the test!
